Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Importance of the Scriptures

I have always held a high view of Scripture. It is the absolute truth by which I govern my life, my family and every other area of life of which I have influence. I believe the following quote is important to keep in mind as we go to the Bible. Several years ago I wrote this down on the inside cover of my Bible, to keep my reading in proper perspective.

"Too often the modern theologian and churchmen goes to the Bible seeking insight and not orders. Indeed, I may go to Calvin, Luther, Augustine and others, to scholars Christian and non-Christian, for insights, for data, and for learned studies, but when I go to the Bible, I must go to hear God’s marching orders for my life. I cannot treat the Bible as a devotional manual designed to give me peace of mind or a ‘higher plane’ of living; it is a command book which can disturb my peace with its orders, and it tells me that I can only find peace in OBEYING the Almighty. The Bible is not an inspirational book for my personal edification, nor a book of beautiful thoughts and insights for my pleasure. It is the Word of the Sovereign and Almighty God: I must Hear and Obey, I must believe and be faithful because God requires it. I am His property and His absolute possession. We must be under God’s law, not man’s, because God is God; He is Lord!"

- R.J. Rushdoony

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